Lee and his wife Nicola have been incredibly supportive of my artwork over the last year. We met online playing Everquest 2 and Nicola commissioned me to draw a portrait of Lee for his birthday last year (see the post called, "Lee" about this time last year). The three of us became really good friends since.
The other cool thing about Lee is that he is one the last bastions of big-time comic book collectors. The second largest weekly buyer at Comics R Us, it's guys like him that keep the whole circus running. The perk of this for me is that he lends me heaps of comics that I wouldn't normally buy myself for a variety of reasons.

Happy birthday Lee! Thank you again for all your support. Wait til you see Nicola's present!
TECHNIQUE: He's a line drawing (see above) which is actually incredibly simple. With a painted grey toned background for his form. The chain mail is a texture I found on the web and then built it to cover his body. It's actually two layers (a multiply layer and a 50% overlay). The shield is a compact disc texture that I found that I then painted over and smoothed out to become the curve and shine of his shield. I'm especially proud of this effect.
Holy cow, Jas, that's got to be one of the most stunning renderings of Captain America I have ever seen. Nicely done!
Nice Cap, Jas.
An extremely cool birthday present and entirely unexpected. After attending a framing course I've only just finished getting the picture from last year framed (and even jas agrees the background colour and frame look good on it). Now I'll be getting this picture framed asap. I'm sure if I have a 12 month goal of filling a room with 'Pictures by Jas' that'll keep him busy enough between his already insane workload.
Thanks again Jas!
Almost forgot..
Captain America
1941 -2007
Oh man, I LOVE this! And I never even liked Cap that much. He looks gooooood.
He's not dead, I tell ya. He just can't be! *sob*
Woah, this is entirely incredible!! Stunning! Gorgeous! Magnificent! Ok. that's a lot of adjectives, but they all work :)
Did I mention amazing? lol.
Oh, and on this note - I went into a comic book store for the first time ever last week! Muy exciting :)
Jason lives in Shiny Land.
*snerk* ;)
But seriously, that's all kinds of awesome, man. They're gonna be tearing your clothes off at Comic-Con.
I can only imagine that your slight lull in blogging is due to some really cool stuff you have hidden up your sleeves.
anxiously awaiting
Wow Jas, that is great!
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