Hey everyone welcome back to regular blogging.
Firstly. Thank you for all the well wishing regarding my injury. It's a lot better and I can start drawing a little bit now. I actually injured my arm at the gym, a client was screwing around and tripped. I caught him and his weight tore the tendons in my arm. I tell you I was going out of my mind. I was watching so much television. I got through the first season of 24, which I enjoyed (despite it being two very distinctive halves).
I also finally bought my box set of Heroes. One of the promotions that Virgin and Sanity records were doing in Melbourne, was that they were giving away a copy of the Heroes comic book with every copy of the DVD. I walked into the store and produced my id and told the guy that I was the guy who drew the inside cover on the comic book. He managed to sneak me a couple copies which I thought was pretty cool of him. Even though I'm credited with drawing the cover, you can definitely see it is a Tim Sale cover. My art work is on the inside back cover as you can see.
But let's get on to Blackout. I’m much, much happier with part two. As you can see from the lineart, I managed to cheat the first two panels by using a photo. Well, technically it's not exactly a photo. Its image built up from a bunch of photos that I took. So, while there is no drawing in there, it is still a piece of Photoshop artwork. I really like the dynamic colour scheme from panel three. The moonlight and the lighting make for an interesting palette. I do regret not putting more medical equipment in the room, though.
It's also one of the few times that I've actually been criticised for what I've drawn. As mentioned in the interview, the guy on the bed is supposed to be a teenager. People have commented that he doesn't look like a teenager at all. I had a tough deal with that. He is supposed to look withered from absorbing all the electricity. So I'm trying to draw a young, withered person and that (to me) ends up kinda looking like an older person. Given that he was never mentioned to be a teenager in the actual story. I'm not too stressed about it.
I also finally saw the first episode of the new season of Heroes, and I really enjoyed it. I'm looking forward to watching it again, though.
News: slowly working on Zero G again. While I can draw, I have to take it very easy. I've been getting some incredible comments about my work, and I can't wait to show you guys. I really think it's stepped up to another level thanks to doing the Heroes work.
On the weekend of the 13th and 14th of October, there is a convention down in Melbourne that I'm appearing at. If anyone can make it down, drop in and say hi.