Two reasons allow this to stand out above the rest.
1. I had heaps of time to do it.
2. It features cast members.
What made it the most fun to draw was that I had been requesting an Elle story for ages. When I met Ollie Grigsby on set ages ago he told me that there was an Elle story in the works and that he would make sure I got it. While I never doubted that Ollie would do everything in his power to make that happen, sometimes life gets in the way. So, while I appreciated him saying that, I had no expectations. When I got the email from Frank saying that they had requested me for the Elle story I was happier than Claire at a pep rally. When I got the script itself with Ollie's name on it I was so excited I had to be careful I wouldn't blow up Costa Verde. It is a great script. Claude's dialogue is just perfect isn't it? And the whole thing ties in so nicely to the big picture. I really felt this was one of the best complimentary graphic novels they'd done.

I was living in London for the first 5 months of this year, so everything was very distinct in my mind's eye. When I was looking for research I knew exactly what to look for. What helped is that this was so well researched by Ollie. He even plotted out their CHASE. How cool is that? Given I had walked that very route I knew what you would see as you approached each area.

I also love drawing likenesses. Annette commented how much Claude it looks like Claude. I joked that I can literally scribble lines and it looks like Claude. With reference he's quite easy to draw. Beard. Messy hair. Wild eyes. Easy.
I couldn't say the same about Kristin Bell. She is one tough lady to draw. There were countless times I had to redraw her face. She has such delicate features and the balance between them is so exact. I also found it much easier to draw her from Veronica Mars as they have a very powerful lighting design that lends itself to my style much more.
And yes, on one episode of Heroes she actually wears that lightning pendant. I thought it would be cool to chuck it in also.
Speaking of Annette, I think this is the best work she's ever done. It is indeed a beautiful sunny day in London, and the subtlety of the electrical effect in the last panel is beautiful. You can see I didn't draw any of that. It's all her. We're playing with this technique where i draw backgrounds on another layer and Annette is able to push them back to allow the
Having been watching Heroes, I was buzzed to finally see the scenes that I had watched filmed. The first one was Meredith telling Sandra she's going after Claire to rescue her from the Vacuum Man. The scene I saw blocked out was Sylar, Claire and HRG after recovering from the worm hole. I couldn't figure out why she started out every time flat on her face. Now I know. It was great seeing the finished scene.
But last night there was this scene where a distraught Peter is trying to push his way past Sylar. Sylar tries to stop him and says, "I can help you Peter." And it just got me thinking of this:

Don't forget the COMPETITION I'm running to win a copy of the BOOK OF LIES by Brad Meltzer courtesy of Grand Central Publishing. You have til next Monday!
Awesome! always a pleasure to read about the connections and details that go into making these graphic novels. You guys really knocked it out of the park. The amount of detail that went into this one was fantastic! Really excited about seeing Elle and Claude again, and in a great story with great art to boot!
Cool to finally know about what scenes you got to see on set. I'm so jealous!
And nice Peter and Sylar pic! LOL! A support group for the hunger. Haha!
Looking forward to next week's graphic novel! Keep being awesome!
I thought the artwork in this graphic novel was superb! The detail of the settings were great, and you nailed it with the likenessess of Claude and Elle, too.
That's awesome you had time to create the scenes the way you wanted to.
And your cartoon's hilarious!
Thanks for sharin', again...
Can't wait for the next installment!
Fantastic work on this one, Jason. I'm rushed for time, so will try to leave detailed feedback later. The Sylar-Peter support group is beyond amazing. I wish I had one for my wall. :)
I haven't read it yet, I didn't know it was this week you were doing a Heroes installment, I'm so excited! Right, running over to nbc site this very instant! - Noo
as Natalie would say: HUZZAH! :)
Hahaha the support group picture is hilarious!!!
And this GN just blew me away!! I love the likeness that you throw in. Elle and Claude. It couldn't have been better!
Love it Jason!
I knew you and Ollie were working on a GN scheduled for October, so I was very excited to see it had finally hit the Net.
Superior work by everyone involved, Jas. It looks fantastic and the story is very intriguing. Can't wait for part 2!
Lovely art as always. You and Annette did a great job.
While I don't think this was the team's desired effect, I would like to point out that I had a rather vivid nightmare based on this.
I am astounded and delighted to see how far you have been taken by your art and your career, and how far in turn you have taken them.
Thanks for the shout-out, Jas. Always too kind.
Naked Elle is always the right answer.
When I saw your support group cartoon, I think I peed a little.
TMTruk: Hey buddy! Thanks for your kind words. All the nice stuff everyone says is like fuel in my tank.
ROESian: Duuuu-ude! I'm so happy with those likenesses. Thank you!
CurlyMarie: I might upload a higher res version somewhere so people can print it out. Maybe on my facebook fanpage?
Noo: Surprise!
SHeindie: Hahhahaha! Bollocks!
Stephanie: Ah, I don't do funny often. I get so nervous it's not funny after I've drawn it. BUt I just thought it would at least bring a smile to people's faces.
KJC: Wooot! Thanks!
Tarot: A vivid nightmare? Wow. Send me a message to let me know what happened. Definitely not our desired effect, but I'm sure I speak for the others when I say I'm glad we had an effect!
GrrBrool: Joshugan!! Hey man! Thank you SO much dude!
Ryan: LMAO!!!! Thanks buddy! Thanks again for your help too!
LOL You get the best reveals. :) And the most revealing reveals! Very nice tasteful shower scene. Poor girl.
Is it just me, or does Claude need a serious hug? Well... when he's done getting knocked out and such.
BTW, Part 3 of the HousePetrelli.com interview will be emailed by the end of the day today, promise! Gah -- I'm getting so behind on my transcriptions! And now I've got Tim Sale!
I don't think Claude is the type who likes hugs.
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