Man, oh man has this last stint of HEROES been fun and tough.
I'm sure Harrison Wilcox, writer-extraordinaire, all-round nice guy and scourge of the undead would agree that the spoiler for the big twist on the thumbnail was a huge downer. Sure we reveal that Thompson Jr is the shooter three panels in... but really? Couldn't we have picked something else? When I'm drawing I'm always wondering who writes the preview text and picks the images. I'm always wondering which panel I would use to preview it. Personally, I would have used a cropped version of Micah tied up on page 5 or page 4 panel 2 or even page 1 panel 3 without Thompson in it. It just spoiled the cool reveal and let us know too much about the story before reading it. Ah well.

As you can see from the actual line art, I wasted the time drawing an actual Thompson for panel 2. I think I was going to re-use it for page 2, but ended up repeating the image from panel 4 instead. I don't know what sort of stroke of sub-brilliance inspired that, but I wasted time and recycled images that had already been seen. Not my finest moment.
But here it is for those who care. Yeah, that's you in the back row. Thanks. Takes a bow to the one person clapping.
Man, that background on panel 3 took some time. I don't know if you noticed the reflection of the water on the ground, but that took like, no time at all and looked far better than I expected. Is anyone else getting the impression that I kind of just flail around and sometimes stuff seems to work out really well?
Well, it's not an inaccurate impression.

You can see on my layouts on the left how I indicated it. And that's pretty much from Harrison's directions in the script. Perhaps it was a stylistic choice on Comicraft's part, perhaps they thought it was just quicker. Perhaps both?
FRIDAY: Page 2. Colour palettes and repetition is the mother of saved deadlines.
Seriously, this could be my favorite GN by you. The flashback page with the bridge blowing up? You totally PWNED it! Awesome, just simply awesome!
I have to agree, the thumbnail was a real downer. But the story is so fantastic, that in the end it doesn't matter!!!
About this page: the scenario rocks - It really pulls us in the story, so well done and detailed! And I loved Thompson's pose on panel 4. You really nail these dynamic poses! The guns you do are also always top notch! Can't wait to get these GN's in printed form :)
I'm surprised you didn't pay homage to the most famous gun-point composition from this angle: Reservoir Dogs! Keitel standing over Buschemi.
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