On the other hand, that experience and Crystal from Deviant Art has prompted me to have a closer look at Deviant Art. I have to confess that when I looked at Deviant Art back in 2006 it was a forum for amateurs. It just seemed like it was where kids went to put up their pictures of Dragonball or whatever manga was hot at the time (as an fyi I was into Dragonball back in 1984 and had to get my mum to translate copies I would import from Hong Kong. Pretty industrious for a nine year old, huh?). But maybe I missed a memo, but Deviant Art is kicking some pretty serious booty. Adam Hughes is on there. Jim Lee is on there. Sweet.

So back to this page. I would say that I didn't do a great job with Molly or Micah here. They're serviceable, but they're not outstanding by any measure. Why would I let something like this through the door? If I remember correctly I was drawing this while I was in Vegas. I woke up every morning at 9am and started drawing. My buddies woke up a lot later and headed down to theHOTEL at Mandalay Bay's wave pool, sat in the sun and started drinking. As each bucket of beers proceeded the next the texts they sent me got more and more inflammatory and insistent. So with this is mind, I may have been a little distracted while drawing these pages. I hope you can forgive me.

FYI, Molly and Micah look awesome. Not as awesome as Claude, but still great. I love the detail in the train wreckage behind West, too. And on a random note, I like how you drew Micah's curls. Not too over done, but just enough to really make them stand out and be very distinctively Micah. :)
Your likeness of Claude is fantastic here and I like what you did with Micah and Molly. You really didn't like it?
So can you confirm for us if the shadowy figure looming over Micah's shoulder in Rebellion, Part 7 is Sylar?
I agree, I'm not a fan of the shadowy Molly or the crying Molly...but calling the first panel Molly and any of the Micahs "serviceable" is an injustice to your work, Jason. Your Molly is more than just passing, and your Micah is outstanding.
And, for the record, I still think you're a pretty industrious nine-year-old at heart. :)
I think ya did an outstanding job, especially if you were hangin' out at Mandalay Bay! :) Besides the wave pool, I liked the Shark Reef, too.
Anyway, methinks you're a tough critic on your work; not a lotta folks can probably do whatcha do with the amount of time ya get it done!
Take care!
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