Tuesday, October 14, 2008

COMPETITION: Funniest answer.

Please add your entry for funniest answer as COMMENTS here.


baldbobbo said...

I would have the ability to switch genders so that way I can be sexually repressed by all sexes around the world. :-(

Anonymous said...

I once thought of the superhero named The Indicator (his sidekick was Delayed Reaction Boy and his girlfriend was No Depth Perception Gal). He possessed (what he thought) was a pretty helpful superpower, and his signature "weapon" of choice was The Dial.

And what was so great about The Indicator? He would stand with his arms akimbo, and, whenever necessary, he would use The Dial to either point to where there was any kind of trouble or to the location of the people who have done villainous things. With his assistance, the authorities always knew the right direction.

Anonymous said...

The power to understand and interpret a baby's cry and become the GREATEST BABYSITTER ON THE PLANET!

OK, that sounds a bit creepy for a 36 year old man with no children.

Anonymous said...

The power to never have to go to the toilet so that I never get caught in silly situations.

Impish said...

Superheroes are sexy, right? Sure they are, prancing about in their lycra, spandex and leather. Not so much with the fat and overweight either: all that climbing buildings and speeding faster than trains.

So you'd have to have the ability to selectively choose which calories were stored on your body as fat and which just 'bled off' instantaneously as excess heat or light.

That way you'd always be sexah-lookin' for the camera and those damsels or dunces in distress without having to worry if the extra chocolate bar would slow you down.

Anonymous said...

I think I would like the power to "the Musical" which is when at any time I chose, I could burst into song and all those in the vacintiy would join me in song and dance knowing all the words and choreography in perfect sync.

How awesome would my life be!

Anonymous said...

...The power to actually control myself whenever I see Kristen Bell.


Alexandre Togeiro said...

I would like to have the power to… shrink things! And also be ale to return them to their original size. Why? Shrink my car and put it in my pocket, so I don’t have to park it. Shrink the groceries into a matchbox instead of carrying heavy bags. Shrink friends for fun and scare them a bit as I use my Action Figures to chase them. Shrink my computer so I have the smallest pen drive ever. And last but not least, shrink my comics collection, so it fits into a shoe box instead of full closets! :-)