I have waaa-aaaay too much to do to waffle on for hours and waxing lyrical about the war. "Waffle" for you Americans means to "go on about". Just a handy little Aussie Babel fish translation there.
I've also cut the side of my thumb and I think it's infected. And now it hurts every time I hit the spacebar. So every space between every word is a little spike of pain. I really wanna typelikethis.

Sandra Bennet: Damn, I think my rendition of Ashley Crow is only second to my likenesses of Mr Muggles. Pretty damn happy with how she turned out.
panel 4: Early drafts had the lift door COVERED in some sort of bukkake of blood. If you don't know what a bukkake is... go hit google and take your safe filter off. I'm sure not gonna tell you. Either way we decided that it was too much.

NEXT: Monday: Page 6! Have a great weekend and wish me luck drawing. If you have someone to share Valentine's Day with that's fantastic. If not... go find someone. Anyone. You know how it is... Any hole's a goal.
Hey, the use of solid black on this page really caught my attention. It gives such a volume to the chars. Very neat! The layout drafts are very interesting for themselves and of course to see how it turns out in the end (Mr Muggles got cut out from panel 2!). Scenario looks great too!
Good spot! Mr Muggles did indeed get cut. I figured he had to run off and do something important like lick his own butt.
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