Then while trying to fix my mouse, I managed to pour water all over the left side of my keyboard. For some reason, it took about 3 days before none of the keys on the left hand side refused to work.
Anyway, back to Hana. This is an interesting page. It's all smoke and mirrors, and everything I've drawn you don't actually get to see!

As you can see, the top page is actually fairly detailed. I put a significant amount of work into the background. I think it's because I knew that the rest of the page would be all cutting corners.
I quite like the top panel, I like Hana's expression. It speaks of a subtle trepidation. While I think it's a decent likeness, it's hard to create an exact image of someone when you can't see their hair! One of things I did with the Zero G outfits was to make sure that you could see everyone's hair and tell everyone apart at a glance.

This second panel could have been so much more beautiful and epic. I'm not sure what got lost. Perhaps the scale? Some trucks or people in the foreground would have really helped the scale of it. As it is, it looks a bit like a Thunderbirds mission.

In other news: I finished another Emperor and the Concubine page. It's so hard to go back to this style. I'm going to make this Heroes style, my new visual style. It's so fast and effective. I can't wait to see Annette colour some of this stuff. I'm still burnt out from Heroes, and work has been relentless. I'm hoping that next week is the light at the end of the tunnel.
Man, you're having a rough month. First, a nasty illness, then serious technical difficulties. What's next? 'Cause you know bad things come in three's, right?
KJC (the purveyor of doom)
ROTFL about your mousewheel issue! I mean, I know it's not funny at the time, but the way you describe these things is really hilarious. 8-)
Gotta say, I think that 3rd panel of Hana is not one of your more successful drawings. And I can't believe you're burnt out on Heroes -- is that possible? Ha... but then I obsess, as you know. ;-)
Nice to see the regular updates again!
Jas - I disagree with you about the second panel. I think it's as epic as it needs to be. How often do we something of that magnitude (or of that quality) in a Heroes graphic novel?
I've been meaning to ask - where do you get the images for your data? It's present a lot in these two novels (especially on that beautiful last shot on the next-to-last page of Part 2) and I was just wondering how you accomplish that effect?
Also, how are the convention sketches progressing?
One last comment: I really liked the camera glare on panel 3. Subtle realism in a cartoony way. Perfect.
KJC: Shush your mouth! My month has been tough enough. =)
Polsons: Hahahaha. I'm glad someone finds the phenomena amusing. "Not one of my more successful drawings" LOL!!! That's very diplomatic of you.
Ryan: Thank you again. Panel 2 still isn't exactly what I wanted. I visualised it set during the day, but then I realised it had to be night. That threw me. My images? Google images. Shhhhh. But I play with them a LOT to make them blend effective visually. Convention sketches are being started first thing tomorrow.
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