So I'm going to show you some of the smaller pics that made up the cover. Here is EARTH. Probably my favourite pic of the Harajuku girls that I did for the cover. A deceptive amount of work went into that cover. Fire and Water are nothing to write home about so you will just have to squint at them or buy the book for a closer look.
Got a real treat for you next post! Some hilarious stuff that JAn and I did ages ago...
howdy, just thought I'd drop you a line and say I've been really enjoying your posts. Amazing stuff.
Thank you so much Liz! I know you so much better by your art handle.
I'm having a ball, and it's keeping me really honest about creating too. Plus I get to showcase all of Annette's work too.
I can't wait to show you guys what Annette is working on now...
Annette's stuff really is amazing.
I should tell you, thanks to the smallness of the world some more of your friends from uni have seen your blog now too! http://azahru.livejournal.com/158564.html
It's really inspiring to see the creative process from the artist end, moving things from concept to reality. One of the things I struggle with is keeping the right amount of distance to let the artist breathe and work magic and when it's just me being precious and when it's me keeping a story on the rails. Seeing a commitment to character building is inspiring :)
I think the key is to pop ego aside and make sure you both know what the story's purpose is. I only make changes to JAn's writing when I feel that I can take the story further in the direction that he intended. A smart artist will realise the essential elements and beats, what to emphasize, de-emphasize and what to miss out completely.
I screw up like anybody else. I make the wrong call. JAn respects that and we talk about why it worked and why it didn't. It's a relationship built purely on respect and trust.
(thanks for the link on your site! I got lost in Chris Wahl's site for a while there!).
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