Here's a bunch of miscellaneous stuff that I thought you might find interesting.
For the Heroes fans:

This was one of the shots I was given for part 4 of War Buddies. It's from episode 21 and shows a seamless bluescreen moment. I giggled when I saw it.
Secondly is a portrait of myself and my favourite angriest writer JAn: recommend you start at the top. Have a slow look and just get the feel of what David is doing. It makes the portraits so much funnier. JAn is DEAD ON. I will leave it to other people to assess what they think of my portrait, but I think it's hilariously accurate.
Finally an "interview" with me by my friend Nicola. She wrote this in response to page 8 of the first part. Nicola is Lee's wife and is on my team who check all my art before my editors. I will actually post an actual interview she did with me in the future (regarding my stunt career). You will have to read part 1 to make total sense of this...
"So your power, you claim, is that you can draw the future?"
JB: "Yeah! Except that, like, that's really Isaac Mendez's power. His special deal, y'know. Mine's not quite like that."
"And so you can tell us exactly what yours is like, then?"
JB: "Well, I don't so much draw the future as make it come true!"
"Uh hunh."
JB: "So that's the nutshell. I mean, I can't make the impossible happen, of course. Just influence things, ever so slightly. A nudge here, a bump there. It'd be irresponsible to do anything more."
"Irresponsible. Of course. Much like why you're here, isn't it, Mr Badower."
JB: "Hey now, I still say you're taking things out of context. I didn't know... couldn't know!"
"You didn't 'draw' this happening, did you, Mr Badower. You, sitting here, with us? Otherwise you'd just draw yourself right outta here, isn't that right?"
JB: "Well I can't, now."
"Can't what?"
JB: "Can't draw the future. I drew myself out, you see. So I don't have the powers any more."
"... You drew yourself out?"
JB: "Is there an echo in here? Yes. I drew myself in. For the kiss. Ahhh, and such a great kiss it was too. Totally worth it, if you know what I mean. And so when I drew myself into Heroes, I turned myself into a hero. I gave myself the powers, right? But I drew myself out. So now I don't have the powers. I don't know what will happen next."
"Uhhh. I... see. Well, regardless of your so-called 'powers', you still need to tell us something, Mr Badower. Tell us how you knew about the intimate details of Project S---?"
JB: "Project what?"
"Don't play coy with me, Badower! You even drew the details on the gantry! Down to the last nut and bolt!"
JB: "... I have no idea what you're talking about."
Formal recommendation: Subject remanded in custody of the Chinese government, pending either demonstrable proof of his 'powers' (at which point he is to be conscripted to Branch X) or he reveals his source.