Onto day 2.
Let's see. If I remember correctly the con started around 9am. I figured no one would be waiting for me so around 9:30am I was still wandering around a newsagents looking for sketchbooks for Nicola and I. The day before I had borrowed a sketchbook off Nicola and finished it!
So anyway, I'm wandering around this newsagent when I get a call from Carissa (the guest wrangler and all-round champion) telling me that I already had a queue!
I turned up and there was already a mass of people. Not wanting to strain my arm with two days of insane sketching, I informed everybody that I was charging $10 for sketches. I hoped that would settle the line down. Amazingly it didn't!
You can also see in this photo that I managed to get some more sketchbooks, but they cost me a lot more, so I had to put the price up.
In the background of this shot you can see Nicola to my left, then her husband Crag (sitting in Gail's chair) then Jimmy Palmiotti and Amanda Conner up the back.
All the sketch photos are by Lyn Rose from
RAWRIMAGES. In my rush out the door, I had forgotten my camera! Poor Lyn was helping out both Amanda and myself. Thanks again, Lynn!

CLAIRE: A picture for a lovely cosplayer. I think she had been waiting since the day before. I hammered out a quick pencil sketch of Claire and it was fun and loosened me up for the onslaught.

NIKI: With new supplies, I wanted to go back to pen and inks. I really wanted to play with my new pens! So here we go with Niki. I really like the composition and I like the idea of the shadow Jessica in the mirror. It's not a great likeness, but I think it captures the spirit of the character and her little upturned lip.

NIKI2: Well, this guy musta liked what he saw because he asked for Niki again! As I mentioned, I liked the composition, but I wanted to explore a different aspect to the character. A grinning shadow helped Jessica pop forward.

HIRO NAKAMURA: I like this. It's simple and it kicks a bit of booty. You can even make out the checker pattern (plaid?) on Hiro's shirt. Yataa!

HIRO AND BATMAN: I have no idea where the recipients of these sketches had gone. Anyway, here's me holding up the sketches. Hiro is ok (again, with that hand!!) but I really dig the Batman one. I always do the yellow symbol as Miller in the Dark Knight rationalised that it's a target for his body armour. I always liked that idea.

CLAIRE: Here's a big inked close up of Claire. Eh, it's not a perfect likeness, but it's a nice picture! Again, where the hell is everybody? Why am I holding up my own pictures? God. It looks like my grande latte has really kicked in here.

CLAIRE2: This lovely lady wanted a torn up Claire. It takes a little longer, but what an interesting idea. I think that's her left clavicle sticking out there. If I had red, I would have spotted some red.

PETER: Totally cartoony Emo Peter with his hair totally out of hand. I was listening to a commentary and apparently Milo couldn't wait to cut his hair as the cast had a whole set of running jokes going as he played with his hair. I liked his hair. It was distinctive. And it saved me drawing his right eye. =)

MATT and HIRO: I hadn't drawn a sketch of Matt before. I think this is one of my best spontaneous likenesses. I was really happy with how this turned out. The Hiro is ok, I like his stupid grin, but his hair is a bit too big. Maybe he's just got back from feudal Japan and hasn't had a chance to get it cut? C'mon! Work with me here, people!

SYLAR: I like the mood of this picture, and the lighting, but it's definitely not Zachary Quinto. Ah well. I'm sure I will get better as the day rolls on. It's still a nice picture though!
I should be able to finish Sunday's picture's off tomorrow. Then, let's get onto some art! I have plenty to show you guys.