First up I wanna say thanks to everyone who has posted on the threads or online here. I only check out the 9th Wonders boards. Are there any others I might enjoy the discussion on about the comic?
I was really burnt out last night. Imagine working a 60 hour week and then coming home after every 10 hour day and drawing for another 6 hours. All work and no play makes Jas a dull boy.
But after reading all these comments, and seeing the passion and love that people have for the series, and the appreciation for all my hard work... well it really pumped me up.
The other thing that fired me up is that I'm on the last two pages. I don't have to draw the village, GI's or the jungle anymore. It's so refreshing. I've been stuck drawing that for the last 10 pages and I'm a little bored with it.
Now without all the mud on his face you should be able to have a really good guess at who Dallas is. Especially on panel 3.
Now I offerred to post or confirm about the blacked out bits, but I cannot. My script is different to the one that was used. There has been subtle dialogue and caption changes to make it mesh with the art better. I never noticed this before, but I'm flattered that they would go to this extra detail. It reads so much better now. But I will say that anything that's blacked out is basically Dallas talking about Au Co's powers.
The job that Annette did on this page was beyond superb. The mud on the faces makes them almost look like photos! I ran around the room pointing at it and emailed Annette going, "That! That! That's what I want our stuff to look like! That's it, right there! How do we do that again?"
Annette replied back with, "I dunno. Put mud on everyone's face?"
Back to the drawing board. =)
Another great post. Thanks.
Yeah, that third panel is quite ... revealing. Of course, there have been numerous theories based on your art. This comparison of Dallas and Adrian Pasdar, for instance, is quite striking. Since the first Nam comic came out, people have been comparing Austin and Malcolm McDowell, but your drawing of Austin saying "You're crazy" really hits it out of the park. Comparing that shot with this classic shot of Malcolm McDowell is very telling. Like I said, did you enjoy watching A Clockwork Orange?
Mud, good. Nice touch.
So Jason=a 10-year-old girl, eh? I'd love to see pictures of that. :)
Happy drawing!
"First up I wanna say thanks to everyone who has posted on the threads or online here. I only check out the 9th Wonders boards. Are there any others I might enjoy the discussion on about the comic?"
I think you should also visit HEROES-TV.com and HEROES The Series for other HEROES fansites where the members would appreciate what you have to share!
Great post! Thanks for all that ya do!
For those that are interested, here's a few more comparisons of Jason's version of Austin with old images of Malcolm McDowell:
in Raging Moon
in A Clockwork Orange
...and one more of Nathan (Adrian Pasdar) and Dallas...
(Jason -- sorry to muck up your comment page so much ... This wouldn't happen if you were perhaps a little less talented at doing likenesses. 'Specially of people we haven't even seen.)
(Jason -- sorry to muck up your comment page so much ... This wouldn't happen if you were perhaps a little less talented at doing likenesses. 'Specially of people we haven't even seen.)
Really, it's all your fault. Your awesome, awesome fault. ;)
Wow! Look at all those pages. Man... I'm totally flabergasted. I wish I could comment... I really wish I could. I just don't wanna blow this gig nor get a reputation as a "whistle blower".
Leisha, Ryan.. Thanks! Thanks so much! Woot!
Hero: I will definitely swing by the boards. I should have some free time up my sleeve.
(This is AnimeGoddess from 9th Wonders)
Yeah, you rock. You know it. :) Once upon a time I dreamed of being an artist for Marvel, but even though I've been a graphic artist for over 20 years, I still don't have that kind of skill. LOL So I write instead... I paint pictures with words. You truly have a gift.
Hey, you might like to read my Heroes fan fics, especially since it happens that my List Project story involves someone with a photographic muscle memory and ultra-agility who watches a lot of martial arts movies... haha...
BTW, since you're in on the tie-in side, I have a question about tie-in writing projects. I'd REALLY appreciate it if you had a second so I could ask you a quick question in private. Thanks again!
Hey, it's Kitty from 9thwonders. I just wanted to tell you that the busy eyebrows and beautiful chin= Adrian Pasdar= Nathan's father. Great work once again!
Animegoddess: You can send me a PM at 9thwonders or email me at grael23@yahoo.com. I don't know what advice I will be able to give. But I'm happy to help.
Kitty: hehehehe. ;)
When I read part 1 of War Buddies, I wasn't sure who was who. I thought the opposite of what I'm think now. After seeing what you've drawn, it was obvious... You're really talented in doing likenesses. The resemblance is uncanny. Great work! Haha, this is so exciting!
Another 9th Wonders member here.
Wow, I'm a bit behind, obviously, on reading your blog and commenting.
Of course, now knowing who Dallas and Austin were, wow... great job! I had seen the A Clockwork Orange comparison, but hadn't noticed Dallas's striking resemblance to, well, you know, until now. Stupid tiny laptop screen!
Been enjoying catching up on your blog!
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